dimanche 31 mai 2009
Déménagement du blog
samedi 30 mai 2009
Google Wave
Google et les consommateurs
mardi 26 mai 2009
Les discours des hommes les plus influents dans le secteur des moteurs de recherches
Voici le discours de Jerry Yang, co fondateur de Yahoo:
jeudi 21 mai 2009
NHN: Next Human Network n'est autre que Naver le moteur de recherches coréen
mardi 19 mai 2009
Wolfram Alpha: Du nouveau dans le monde de la recherche sur Internet?

Là en l'occurence j'ai écrit Wikipedia.org en tant que mot clé et on me renvoit des informations concernant le page rank de la page, quand le site à été enregistré etc etc...
samedi 25 avril 2009
Dernier post
Browser Wars: Internet Explorer versus Netscape
Battles of Standards, Microsoft versus Netscape
Topic :
The following case study has been submitted for the course of Innovation and Knowledge Management at the university of Léon within the European Master in Business Studies.
Introduction :
As an example the two books I chose to study within the course of Innovation and Knowledge Management untitled "Winners Losers & Microsoft" and "Information rules: a strategic guide to network economy" are both refering to the battle between Internet Explorer and Netscape web browsers.
This story and analysis has then already been written more than once and it can then be very easy for me to make a good copy of those works based on the analysis of analysis.
I am personnaly more interested in writing something new and original. I suggest then to take into account new elements such as the current web browser market (2009), the fact that we are analyzing the situation 10 years after the battle and trying to predict the future of the web browser market.
Those changes will brought an original work to the teacher and an exclusive paper to its readers.
I hope you will appreciate it.
Personal experience about the study case :
I never used Netscape Navigator to go on Internet and I am an experienced user of Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. I also use sometimes the textual web browser Lynx.
Why the web browser standard has been monopolized by Microsoft PC system software ?
« A technology is recognized as a standard when it gets more than 50% of the market shares»
Let’s now define a web browser :
« A browser is a software application that is used to locate and display Web pages. »
Here is a definition of Microsoft :
« Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational computer technology corporation, which rose to dominate the home computer operating system »
And to finish a definition of an operating system :
« The most important program run on a computer because it manages all the other programs. »
So Microsoft owns the Operating System market which is managing web browsers and Microsoft is producing its own web browser : Internet Explorer. Here we can then understand the problematic.
On Microsoft side we can understand the following question « Why should I include a competitor web browser within my own Operating System ? » and obviously understand why they are still not doing it.
In 1999 in order to install Netscape on your PC you needed to take it from the outside (Download on Internet, take it from a CD etc…) and here is the heart of the winning battle.
So to sum up this first part :
- The web browser market has been monopolized by Microsoft because MS owns the software which manage web browsers ;
- Microsoft has no interest of letting entering competitors into his own market ;
- Users cannot know that other web browsers exist if they are not informed about their existence and of course cannot install them if they do not know how to ;
As a standard user I can say no but the next decade is going to be very interesting for the web browsers market and this for many reasons.
It is not that popular but has however the fourth position in the market of web browser, taking in account that the third one is more or less targeting another kind of computers (Mac) one can say that Google Chrome has an interesting outsider position (cf.page 11).
I would amphisize as well that Google may have the solution for the operating system of tomorrow which could bring a tremendous revolution in the world of operating system.
It is going to be the first time that Microsoft will face a competitor which is as famous and successful as him.
A computer population who is more and more educated
The case of Mozilla Firefox web browser is also a very interesting part of this case study . Mozilla Firefox is a free, open-source, web browser for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Firefox is knowing exactly the same story as Netscape (in fact the those two products are more or less the same http://browser.netscape.com/history). « At the time of the acquisition, the Netscape team had begun working on converting their flagship product - the Netscape Communicator web suite - into open source software, under a new name: Mozilla. »
The best example I can find about the recognition of its strengths is its presence at the university.
It is nowadays very hard to find in European universities a computer which does not have Mozilla Firefox on the desktop.
I guess that the presence of Mozilla is due to the fact that higher education recognize its quality.
Let's know think about the future when the current students which are studying right now at the university will be on the market place.
Well good chances that it will install a wave of Mozilla Firefox within businesses and that it will be a trend which will not be reversed until universities recognize the value of another web browser.
So I would attribute the success of Mozilla Firefox and in a certain way Netscape to the fact that people get more and more computer educated.
However this education is not sufficient enough in order to jeopardize Microsoft Internet Explorer on the short term.
A new sanction for Microsoft ?
Microsoft has been at the center of many polemics since the story of Netscape versus Microsoft, however justice never sanctionned firmely Microsoft for obvious reasons (if Microsoft is seriously condamned what will happen to Microsoft users ?).
Microsoft trial is still a day to day topic in the news : http://www.zdnet.fr/actualites/informatique/0,39040745,39393157,00.htm. Microsoft is under a condamnation by the european commission http://rcpmag.com/news/article.aspx?editorialsid=10780 to let an option on its operating system allowing to remove Internet Explorer and include competitors web browsers.
Is such a monopoly a good thing ?
As in all monopoly you have pros and cons :
Good point :
I worked for almost one year in computer companies or at least worked in the field of computers and here are some benefits I have seen.
If everybody use the same web browsers then it is less work for website computer programmers because you are sure that all the information you will display will be displayed properly. Exactly like a language if everybody speaks the same language then everybody understand and understand each other
Bad point :
On the other hand when people are using different web browsers some information are sometimes missing, computer programmers have to test the applications on different web browsers and then tasks come to be more and more complicated.
Here are some mere explanations. Some web browsers recognized some parts of codes whereas other don't. One of the most famous one is the HTML tag called which means that a word included between those two tags will blink automatically. Some web browsers are not reading those codes and of course will not display this information properly whereas other will.
Another idea we can developped is the different use of web browser for different tasks.
For example Mozilla Firefox is very popular because of all the functions you can add to this browser : applications which will allow you to download videos from the website you are looking at or even thousands of others functionalities to customize your web browser.
Google Chrome is is very convenient because it is quickly launched.
Lynx is very popular to protect your data and your confidentiality.
So to each web browser correspond a certain list of characteristics but of course you have to know that they exist and what are there characteristics.
According to the book "Winners, losers and Microsoft" the products which win the battle are always the best. I strongly disagree with this statement. The product which win is the best advertised and at this game Microsoft is leading the game.
From this analysis we can then understand why Netscape did not win (if your success is in the end of your competitor…well it is hard to win) but also why it is still living under the name of Firefox (when you have strenght that competitors do not have you are still on the race).
We can also see that people are not entirely benefiting from this monopoly because Internet Explorer is not the best product.
For consumers they can take the best part of web browsers only by using each of them for specific purposes but should at least know that they exist.
Microsoft could lose its monopolistic position on the short term but only if a strong event happened such as the presence of Google on the desktop operating system market or a severe condamnation from the European Commission.
What is really strange to see is that the Web Browser market clearly show how computer education is moving and market imperfection, how is it still possible that Microsoft is taking the monopole of web browser since such a long time ?
mercredi 22 avril 2009
Diapositives de conférences
samedi 28 mars 2009
L'imprimante jet d'encre Lego de Larry Page

mardi 24 mars 2009
Les parts de marché de Google dans le monde
Pays | PdM | Date | Institut |
Allemagne | 93,0% | mars 2008 | |
Argentine | 89,0% | janv. 2008 | comScore |
Australie | 87,8% | juin 2008 | Hitwise |
Autriche | 88,0% | janv. 2008 | comScore |
Belgique | 95,0% | mars 2009 | comScore |
Brésil | 89,0% | janv. 2008 | comScore |
Bulgarie | 80,0% | déc. 2007 | Multilingual search |
Canada | 78,0% | janv. 2008 | comScore |
Chili | 93,0% | janv. 2008 | comScore |
Chine | 26,6% | oct. 2008 | iResearch |
Colombie | 91,0% | janv. 2008 | comScore |
Corée du Sud | 3,0% | janv. 2009 | |
Danemark | 92,0% | janv. 2008 | comScore |
Espagne | 93,0% | janv. 2008 | comScore |
Estonie | 53,4% | juil. 2008 | Gemius SA |
États-Unis | 63,3% | sept. 2009 | comScore |
États-Unis | 72,1% | sept. 2009 | Hitwise |
Finlande | 92,0% | janv. 2008 | comScore |
France | 91,2% | févr. 2009 | AT Internet Institute |
Hong Kong | 26,0% | janv. 2008 | comScore |
Hongrie | 96,0% | août 2008 | |
Inde | 81,4% | août 2008 | comScore |
Irlande | 76,0% | janv. 2008 | comScore |
Islande | 51,0% | déc. 2007 | |
Israël | 80,0% | janv. 2007 | |
Italie | 90,0% | févr. 2009 | |
Japon | 38,2% | janv. 2009 | Nielsen/NetRatings |
Lettonie | 98,0% | juil. 2008 | Gemius SA |
Lituanie | 98,2% | sept. 2008 | Gemius SA |
Malaisie | 51,0% | janv. 2008 | comScore |
Mexique | 88,0% | janv. 2008 | comScore |
Norvège | 81,0% | janv. 2008 | comScore |
Nouvelle-Zélande | 72,0% | janv. 2008 | comScore |
Pays-Bas | 95,0% | déc. 2008 | |
Pologne | 89,3% | sept. 2007 | Gemius SA |
Porto Rico | 57,0% | janv. 2008 | comScore |
Portugal | 94,0% | janv. 2008 | comScore |
République Tchèque | 34,5% | mars 2009 | |
Roumanie | 95,2% | mars 2009 | statcounter.com |
Royaume-Uni | 90,4% | déc. 2008 | Hitwise |
Russie | 32,0% | janv. 2008 | Spylog |
Singapour | 57,0% | janv. 2008 | comScore |
Slovaquie | 75,6% | déc. 2007 | |
Suède | 80,0% | janv. 2008 | comScore |
Suisse | 93,0% | janv. 2008 | comScore |
Taiwan | 18,0% | janv. 2008 | comScore |
Ukraine | 72,4% | févr. 2009 | Bigmir-Internet |
Vénézuela | 93,0% | janv. 2008 | comScore |
dimanche 1 février 2009
Rapport intermédiaire de thèse
Comme promis je vous publie mon rapport intermédiaire de thèse.
Pour le télécharger cliquez sur le lien suivant (mais il vous faudra un compte gratuit sur slideshares):
Lien pour la thèse
Le rapport final est prévu pour juin.
Bonne lecture.
Risks of search engine dependency and its influence on data quality
Institut de Management de l'Université de Savoie d'Annecy (FR)
Università degli studi di Trento (IT)
Universität Kassel (GER)
Universidad de León (SP)
Date of submission: 26th January, 2009
Master Thesis
Chapter 1: Introduction of the topic background..........................................................8
1.1 Relevance of the subject...................................................................................10
1.2 Major terms......................................................................................................11
1.3 Focus, goals and structure of the report...........................................................11
Chapter 2: Concept of data quality.............................................................................13
2.1 Data quality definition......................................................................................14
2.2 The importance of data quality.........................................................................15
Chapter 3: Search engines dependency.......................................................................16
3.1 Search engine market configuration.................................................................17
3.1.1 Search engine categories..........................................................................17
3.1.2 Search engine market...............................................................................19
3.1.3 The search engines in the world...............................................................19
3.1.4 The search engine market shares per country...........................................22
3.1.5 The search engines competition...............................................................23
3.1.6 The semantic web.....................................................................................24
3.2 Search engines dependency aspect...................................................................25
3.2.1 Search engines dependency proves..........................................................25
3.2.2 Search engines dependency aspect...........................................................27
3.3 Search engines dependency problems..............................................................28
3.3.1 Privacy issues...........................................................................................29
3.3.2 Looking for other search engines.............................................................30
3.3.3 Search engine awareness..........................................................................30
3.3.4 Other search engines existence awareness...............................................32
3.3.5 Less confident regarding other search engines.........................................33
3.3.5 Less confident regarding other search engines.........................................33
3.3.6 Even the best cannot provide you everything...........................................34
Chapter 4: Risks of search engines dependency and its influence on data quality.....35
4.1 The information has been found but is poor....................................................36
4.2 What the search engines do not tell you...........................................................36
4.3 The best way to get data quality.......................................................................37
4.3.1 The sub-search engines.............................................................................37
4.3.2 The size of the Internet.............................................................................38
4.3.3 Single search engine Internet coverage....................................................39
4.3.4 Multiple search engine Internet coverage.................................................42
4.3.5 Others search engine Internet coverage....................................................44
4.3.6 A concrete representation of the World Wide Web...................................46
4.4 The gap between search engine dependency and data quality.........................47
Chapter 5: The Google example.................................................................................50
5.1 Google..............................................................................................................51
5.2 Google's success...............................................................................................51
5.3 Google dependency state..................................................................................52
5.4 Google functions..............................................................................................52
5.5 Google added functionalities............................................................................53
5.6 Google success is his weakness.......................................................................53
5.7 Google's disappearance hypothesis..................................................................54
List of literature...........................................................................................................57
wake up is to switch on the computer and to spend my first twenty minutes of the day
on the Internet.
From there I have a look at the last news, I check my e-mails and eventually
exchange some few words with a couple of friends by using online chat applications.
I also check my other email account as well as my blogs and analyze the traffic I got
during the last few days, to finish this process I consult my advertisement account to
see if I got some revenues. I often use as well search engine to look for information
which just came up into my mind during the night.
In the paragraph you just read was the description of my morning routine on
Internet. There is nothing special except that most of the moves I described above are
in fact done on two to three major search engines: Google, Yahoo and Microsoft.
I hardly ever use Yahoo or Microsoft for search purpose but Google is for
sure the website I visit the most to crawl the web but... is Google the Internet?
I got the idea to write about: « Risks of search engine dependency and its
influence on data quality » not because I was using all those Google applications
everyday and was scared about what will happen if I get in troubles with Google
such as privacy issues or if Google just closed. I just write about it because one day I
found Google results not accurate enough.
And from this observation a lot of questions came to my mind:
· Is it me who is not good enough at performing research on the Internet?
· Is it because no one wrote about the information I am looking for?
· Is it because the information is not on the first pages in Google that I have to
browse all the pages in order to find it?
· Is it because Google is not good enough?
· Is it because the information is hidden in some other documents such as PDF,
pictures, videos?
· Is it because I have to use another way to crawl the web and if yes how?
You see here how a simple observation can raise a lot of questions.
I hesitated a lot about writing on this topic, the main problem I got was that I
was not convinced that there is a potential risk of being search engine dependent. The
reason is that companies such as Google are working hard in order to fit Internet
users expectations and the vision we get is that they are doing a wonderful work. The
problem is that there could be a difference between perception and real facts and this
is exactly what I am eager to discover here.
Can we measure how huge is the gap between the information we were
looking for and the one of search engines as Google are providing us?
Search engines are set up to find information on the Internet, information
being the basis of any good decisions making we can then understand how important
and interesting it is to write on this topic.
I hope you will appreciate this reading as much as I did when making my